Nowadays, we know as Legislative Federal Palace the protector building of the amphitheater where the thoughts of those who in theory are the more illustrious thinkers in our country twinkle.
First of all, let’s take a look to a pluralistic Legislative Power where civically multiple thoughts and ideologies can live together, like those that separate the first world nations from the underdeveloped, and not the bipartite absurd confinement which dazzles and opaque us today as a republic.
If each owner of a seat put up on the solemnity of his/her place an image of the “leaders” of their ideological movements it would be the most foolish act. The hemicycle would become an album of trading cards, and a necrological building. Lenin, “El Che” Guevara, Stalin, Mao, Marx, Hitler, Lincoln, Churchill, Thatcher, Betancourt, anyway a mausoleum.
Which is the drama with the pictures? It shouldn't has a picture of Chávez for the same reason that it shouldn't has one of Capriles Radonski or Leopoldo López: Because the nature of this space was not created for this goal.
The current President of Costa Rica, Luis Guillermo Solís -leftist academic- has proposed a legislation to prohibit his portrait strung up in government offices. It is unknown whether it complies, but it is a reference above the correct form to do2 things.
What happens in the case of the picture of the Liberator (Simón Bolívar)? Let’s make active the balance weight: In one side we place an image produced by design software, the liberator face through a facial reconstruction process in third dimension. And in the other side one picture of the most brilliant painters of Venezuela, including one where the same Bolívar posed for its making. According to your patriotism, where do you incline your balance?
The egomania definitely invaded us without warning. A country where something common is seen like something normal –topic which from my point of view, is the cause of our disgrace– It bellows to a country of licentiousness, a word so different from freedom.
But the question is: How does the picture of someone helps people in the National Assembly hemicycle? Just: By doing nothing.
"The dwarf sees giants everywhere" German Proverb.
Rodríguez R. Gabriel J.
Fb/Tw/Ig/Snap/Medium: Gabógeno